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TU Wien:Statistik und Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie UE (Bura)/Übungen 2019W/3.4

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Time to failure

Let X be an exponential random variable X ∼ exp(λ), i.e. its probability density function is given by

and its mean equals E(X) = 1/λ.

(a) Compute P(X > x).
(b) Suppose we are testing two different brands of light bulbs B1 and B2 whose lifetimes are exponential random variables with mean 1/3 and 1/6 years respectively. Assuming that the lifetime of the two light bulbs are independent, find the expected time before one of the bulbs fails.

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== Lösungsvorschlag von ~~~ ==

Siehe auch Hilfe:Formeln und Hilfe:Beispielseiten.