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TU Wien:Statistik und Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie UE (Bura)/Übungen 2019W/4.6

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(a) By applying the R-function replicate() generate a sample of size 10 from an exponential distribution with a rate parameter 0.2 and sum up its elements. Do this sum 10 000 times and make a histogram of the simulation. Can you say something about the shape of distribution?
(b) Use R to simulate 50 tosses of a fair coin (0 and 1). We call a run a sequence of all 1's or all 0's. Estimate the average length of the longest run in 10000 trials and report the result.
Hint: Use the commands rbinom and rle. The command rle() stands for run length encoding. For example,
rle(rbinom(10, 1, 0.5))$lengths
is a vector of the lengths of all the different runs in trial of 10 flips of a fair coin.

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