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TU Wien:Communication and Media Theories VU (Steinhardt)

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Daten[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

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Vortragende Gerald Steinhardt
Ersetzt Grundlagen der Kommunikations- und Medientheorie VO (Steinhardt)
Sprache English
Links tiss:187333
Masterstudium Media and Human-Centered Computing

Mattermost: Channel "communication-and-media-theories"RegisterMattermost-Infos

Inhalt[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

This course was previously held in German. A lot of information (in German) can be found at TU_Wien:Gesellschaftswissenschaftliche_Grundlagen_der_Informatik_VU_(Steinhardt).

The course consists of mandatory lectures, group work during lecture sessions, assignments, portfolio, and exams about the course and portfolio.

The focus of the course lies in communication and media. The course deals with following topics:

  • Foundations of human communication
  • Models of communication
  • Signs and its usage
  • Language / communication and social structure / society
  • Technical communication and digital media
  • Traditional mass media
  • Media theories
  • Media and social change
  • Media: usage and practice

Ablauf[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Update SS 17

  • Sign in via TISS
  • Visit VU! -> previously it was a VO -> now VU -> Mandatory attendance!
  • During the VU there are group works where you do small tasks. They will be submitted and graded.
  • Over the semester, there are four assignments - to be done as homework. (each around 1000 words)
  • 2 exams at the end of semester (exam about portfolio and lecture part)
  • When learning for the exams, it is recommended to learn in groups of 2 or three, so you can explain the materials to each other

The slides are available on TUWEL.

Comments and discussion in class are welcome, but may contribute to Prof. Steinhardt needing an extra session towards the end of the semester to cover all topics.

SS 2021 Covid-Mode:

  • Weekly Zoom-Meetings (with many discussions and group work)
  • Weekly homework (reflection on the lecture)
  • Four portofolio tasks
  • Lecture exam and portfolio exam at the end
  • Mandatory attendance (you can miss one unit)

All slides and literature provided on TUWEL.

Benötigte Vorkenntnisse[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Nice to have:

You know how "Steinhardt lectures" work in order to get good marks on the assignments.

Vortrag[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

The lecture is actually quite interesting, but the topics are presented sometimes in a very lengthy manner by Prof. Steinhardt. On the other hand, this lengthiness is helpful, because I always can easily remember the content of the lecture while working through the notes, and (hopefully) I can build up an understanding of the material very quickly. If Prof. Steinhardt were quicker in the lectures, it would not be that easy for me to learn.

The interesting part of the lecture ist also, that Prof. Steinhardt likes to respond to the questions of students extensively. Therefore, I would really recommend to visit the lectures. Although the lectures are once a week for 1 1/2 hours (sometimes it was also too much for me ...)

The lectures are definitely not tiring, because Prof. Steinhardt always gives interesting and very appropriate examples to a given topic in the lecture. In comparison to the slides, the slides were written in a more complex language which makes it difficult to understand and content and relationships.

SS 2021 Covid-Mode:

Steinhardt wants you to turn on the camera and active participate at the lecture. The participation is measured upon the group discussions and afterwards a plenary discussion is conducted. You get divided into separate Zoom-Rooms (Breakout room) with random people and you have to discuss. After 10-15minutes you have to talk about your outcomes with the professor.

Prüfung[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

SS 2021-COVID-Mode: The lecture exam is written in groups of two, via ZOOM (in break-out rooms). Eight open questions, two mc. You have ca. 90 min time, at the end one of you upload it via TUWEL. The portofolio exam is done individually. Three open questions. You have 30 minutes, upload via TUWEL.

Dauer der Zeugnisausstellung[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

SS 2007: Exam on 25.06.2007, Certificate on 21.07.2007 (almost 4 weeks)

SS 2018: Exam on 26.06.2018, Results in TUWEL was registered on 07.07.2018, Certificate on 16.07.2018

Zeitaufwand[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

1- 2 days learning, if you visit the lectures; otherwise it would take a bit longer. Understanding is helpful and can shorten the time.

I would say at least two days because of the scope of materials. --klausi 14:47, 24. Jul. 2007 (CEST)

Ausländische Studenten müssen sich mehr darum kümmern.

SS2018 - I would rather say 3-4 days for the exams of lecture part and 1 day for the portfolio exam. The slides for the lecture part is significantly more.

SS 2021 - COVID-Mode: If you really participate in the lectures and discussions, and write you portofolio on you own. I would say 3 days for the lecture part and 1 day for the portofolio exams.

Literatur[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

A script was offered at the end of the semester (however, 2-3 days before the exam) It is not necessary in order to pass the exam. Price in SS05: 5 €, SS14 6 €.

SS18/SS19: No scrip. Only slides in TUWEL.

Links[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]


Wo gibts Mitschriften, Skripten, Folien...[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

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Verbesserungsvorschläge / Kritik[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

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