Uni Wien: Master Informatik
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Obligation: Pflichtfach
Advanced Software Engineering
Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten
Obligation: Gebundenes Wahlfach
- Advanced Algorithms VU (Hanauer)
- Algorithms and Data Structures 2 VU (Hanauer, Goranci)
- Algorithms for Software Protection VU (Schrittwieser)
- Distributed and Parallel Algorithms VU (Goranci, Kriege)
- Distributed and Parallel Algorithms VU (Paz, Kriege)
- Numerical Algorithms VU (Gansterer)
- Numerical High Performance Algorithms VU (Gansterer)
- Software Tools for Computational and Data Science VU (Schabauer, Pachajoa)
Computer Graphics
- Cloud Gaming VU (Hlavacs)
- Foundations of Computer Graphics VU (Möller)
- Gaming Technologies VU (Hlavacs)
- Image Synthesis VU (Möller)
- Real-Time Computer Graphics VU (Hlavacs)
- Real-Time Ray Tracing VU (Hlavacs)
Data Analysis
- Computational Optimisation UE (Gutjahr, Rath)
- Computational Optimisation VO (Gutjahr, Rath)
- Current topics in Neuroinformatics VU (Grosse-Wentrup)
- Foundations of Data Analysis VU (Plant)
- Mining Massive Data VU (Tschiatschek)
- Natural Language Processing VU (Winiwarter)
- Neuroinformatics Machine Learning for Neuronal Data Analysis VU (Grosse-Wentrup)
- Recent Developments in Knowledge Discovery in Databases VU (Böhm)
- Scientific Data Management VU (Kriege)
Digital Media Technologies
- Image Processing and Image Analysis VU (Möller)
- Multimedia and Semantic Technologies VU (Klas)
- Signal and Image Processing VU (Grosse-Wentrup)
Information Management & Systems Engineering
- Concepts and Models of Knowledge Engineering VU (Karagiannis)
- Information Management & Systems Engineering VU (Klas)
- Information Management & Systems Engineering VU (Schikuta)
- Scientific Data Management VU (Kriege)
Internet Computing & Software Technologies
- Algorithms for Software Protection VU (Schrittwieser)
- Business Process Management VU (Utz)
- Cloud Computing VU (Benkner)
- Patterns and Artificial Intelligence for Cloud and Cloud-Edge Continuum VU (Martino, Aral)
- Workflow Technologies VU (Leitner)
Parallel Computing
- Cloud Computing VU (Benkner)
- Distributed Systems Engineering VU (Böhmer)
- Distributed Systems Engineering VU (Zdun)
- Distributed and Parallel Algorithms VU (Goranci, Kriege)
- Distributed and Parallel Algorithms VU (Paz, Kriege)
- High Performance Computing VU (Benkner)
- Parallel Computing VU (Benkner)
- Patterns and Artificial Intelligence for Cloud and Cloud-Edge Continuum VU (Martino, Aral)
- Program Optimisations and Runtime Systems VU (Mehofer)
- Quantum Information, Quantum Computing, and Quantum Algorithms VO (Schuch)
- Scientific Data Management VU (Kriege)
Obligation: Keine Angabe
_no module mapping_
- Business Intelligence I VU (Leitner)
- Business Intelligence II VU (Leitner)
- Logical Foundations of Knowledge Engineering VU (Karagiannis)
- Multimedia Content Management VU (Klas)
- Multimedia Representation and Encoding VU (Klas)
- Multimedia Retrieval and Content-Based Search VU (Klas)
- Network Technologies for Multimedia Applications UE (Weisgrab)
- Network Technologies for Multimedia Applications VO (Reichl)
- Parallel Architectures and Programming Models VU (Benkner)
- Security and Privacy Engineering VU (Weippl, Klas)
- Visualisation and Visual Data Analysis VU (Möller)
- Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten VU (Böhm)