TU Wien: Masterstudium Logic and Computation
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Obligation: Pflichtfach
Discrete Mathematics
- Discrete Mathematics UE (Bentrifa)
- Discrete Mathematics UE (Stufler)
- Discrete Mathematics UE (diverse)
- Discrete Mathematics VO (Gittenberger)
- Discrete Mathematics VO (Stufler)
Formal Methods in Computer Science
Knowledge-based Systems
Logic and Computability
_no module mapping_
- Seminar für Diplomand innen für Logic and Computation SE (Andreeva)
- Seminar für Diplomand innen für Logic and Computation SE (Ciabattoni)
Obligation: Gebundenes Wahlfach
Algorithmics and Complexity
- Advanced Research in Algorithmics VU (Chen)
- Algorithmic Geometry VU (Nöllenburg)
- Algorithmic Meta-Theorems Algorithmische Meta-Theoreme VU (Dreier)
- Algorithms in Graph Theory VU (Chen)
- Approximation Algorithms VU (Kellerer)
- Distributed Algorithms VU (Schmid)
- Fixed-Parameter Algorithms and Complexity VU (Ganian)
- Frontiers of Algorithms and Complexity VU (Hoang)
- Heuristic Optimization Techniques VU (Raidl)
- Komplexitätstheorie VU (Pichler)
- Mathematical Programming VU (Raidl)
- Modeling and Solving Constrained Optimization Problems VU (Di Gaspero)
- Optimization in Transport and Logistics VU (Raidl)
- Parallele Algorithmen VU (Hunold)
- Problems in Distributed Computing VU (Schmid)
- Project in Computer Science 1 Team-Based Research in Algorithmics PR (Chen)
- Project in Computer Science 2 Trends in cloud computing PR (Kovacs)
- Real-Time Scheduling VU (Schmid)
- Seminar aus Algorithmik Graphen und Geometrie SE (Nöllenburg)
- Seminar aus Algorithmik SE (Dreier)
- Seminar aus Algorithmik SE (Raidl)
- Seminar aus Algorithmik SE (Träff)
- Seminar in Complexity Theory SE (Pichler)
Knowledge Representation and Artificial Intelligence
- Abstract Argumentation VU (Egly)
- Advanced Methods for Regression and Classification VU (Filzmoser)
- Algorithmic Social Choice VU (Chen)
- Datenbanktheorie VU (Lanzinger)
- Datenbanktheorie VU (Pichler)
- Deductive Databases VO (Simkus)
- Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing VU (Lukasiewicz)
- KI Ethik VU (Van Berkel)
- Knowledge Graphs VU (Sallinger)
- Machine Learning VU (Musliu)
- Media and Brain 1 Künstliches Bewusstsein VU (Eidenberger)
- Media and Brain 2 Künstliches Bewusstsein VU (Eidenberger)
- Nichtmonotones Schließen VU (Tompits)
- Preferences in Artificial Intelligence VU (Woltran)
- Probabilistic Reasoning VU (Lukasiewicz)
- Problem Solving and Search in Artificial Intelligence VU (Musliu)
- Project in Computer Science 1 Team-Based Research in Algorithmics PR (Chen)
- Project in Computer Science 2 Trends in cloud computing PR (Kovacs)
- SAT Solving und Erweiterungen VU (Egly)
- Selbstorganisierende Systeme VU (Rauber)
- Semantic Technologies VU (Ortiz de la Fuente)
- Seminar aus Artificial Intelligence SE (Dvorak)
- Seminar aus Artificial Intelligence SE (Egly)
- Seminar in Artificial Intelligence - Theoretical Aspects of Machine Learning SE (Gärtner)
- Seminar in Artificial Intelligence - Theoretical Aspects of Machine Learning SE (Malhotra)
- Seminar in Artificial Intelligence Algorithmic and Computational Decision Theory SE (Chen)
- Seminar in Artificial Intelligence Neuroscience-based Artificial Intelligence SE (Lukasiewicz)
- Seminar in Artificial Intelligence Neurosymbolic Artificial Intelligence SE (Lukasiewicz)
- Seminar in Artificial Intelligence SE (Lukasiewicz)
- Seminar in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Neurosymbolic Artificial Intelligence SE (Lukasiewicz)
- Seminar in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning SE (Egly)
- Similarity Modeling 1 - Computational Seeing and Hearing VU (Eidenberger)
- Similarity Modeling 2 - Computational Seeing and Hearing VU (Eidenberger)
- Theoretical Foundations and Research Topics in Machine Learning VU (Gärtner)
- Theory of Knowledge Representation VU (Eiter)
- Verarbeitung deklarativen Wissens VO (Eiter)
Logic, Mathematics, and Theoretical Computer Science
- AKLOG Beweistheorie 1 VO (Baaz)
- AKLOG Beweistheorie 2 VO (Baaz)
- AKLOG Lambda Kalkül VO (Baaz)
- Cryptocurrencies VU (Maffei)
- Deontic Logic for Normative Reasoning VU (Ciabattoni)
- Formal Language Theory VU (Freund)
- Funktionalanalysis 1 UE UE (Woracek)
- Geschichte der Logik VO (Tompits)
- Higher-order Logic VU (Leitsch)
- Non-classical Logics VU (Fermüller)
- Project in Computer Science 1 Team-Based Research in Algorithmics PR (Chen)
- Project in Computer Science 2 Trends in cloud computing PR (Kovacs)
- Quantum Computing VU (Egly)
- Refutation Systems VO (Tompits)
- Seminar aus Logik SE (Dvorak)
- Seminar aus Logik SE (Egly)
- Seminar aus Logik SE (Fermüller)
- Seminar aus Theoretischer Informatik SE (Egly)
- Seminar in Logic SE (Leitsch)
- Seminar in Theoretical Computer Science SE (Hose)
- Seminar in Theoretical Computer Science SE (Träff)
- Smart Contracts VU (di Angelo)
Programming Languages and Verification
- Advanced Model Engineering SE (Bork)
- Advanced Model Engineering VU (Bork)
- Analyse und Verifikation VU (Knoop)
- Codegeneratoren VO (Krall)
- Computer Aided Verification VU (Cerny)
- Computer-Aided Verification UE (Cerny)
- Dynamic Compilation Dynamische Übersetzer VU (Krall)
- Effiziente Programme VU (Ertl)
- Formal Methods for Security and Privacy VU (Maffei)
- Fortgeschrittene funktionale Programmierung VU (Knoop)
- Fortgeschrittene objektorientierte Programmierung VU (Puntigam)
- High Performance Computing Hochleistungsrechnen VU (Träff)
- Model Engineering VU (Bork)
- Optimierende Übersetzer VU (Knoop)
- Programmanalyse VU (Zuleger)
- Programmiersprachen VU (Puntigam)
- Project in Computer Science 1 Team-Based Research in Algorithmics PR (Chen)
- Project in Computer Science 2 Trends in cloud computing PR (Kovacs)
- Requirements Engineering and Specification VU (Grünbacher)
- Semantik von Programmiersprachen VU (Zuleger)
- Seminar Formale Methoden SE (Kovacs)
- Seminar Formale Methoden SE (Weissenbacher)
- Seminar Formale Methoden SE (diverse)
- Seminar aus Programmiersprachen SE (Ertl)
- Software Testing VU (Winkler)
- Stackbasierte Sprachen VU (Ertl)
- Typsysteme VO (Puntigam)
Obligation: Keine Angabe
Algorithmics and Complexity
Knowledge Representation and Artificial Intelligence
- Complexity Analysis VU (Eiter)
- Description Logics and Ontologies VU (Ortiz de la Fuente)
- Mobile Robotik VU (Bader)
- Probabilistic Programming and AI VU (Böck)
- Probabilistic Programming and AI VU (Cito)
- Seminar aus Datenbanken SE (Pichler)
Programming Languages and Verification
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- Advanced Cryptography VU (Fuchsbauer)
- Advanced Mathematical Logic VU (Fokina)
- Algorithmic Meta-Theorems Algorithmische Meta-Theoreme VU (Szeider)
- Algorithms in Graph Theory VU (Nöllenburg)
- Automated Deduction VU (Kovacs)
- Computer Aided Verification VU (Weissenbacher)
- Computer-Aided Verification UE (Weissenbacher)
- Didaktik in der Informatik Abenteuer Informatik SE (Futschek)
- Diplomarbeit SE (diverse)
- Discrete Mathematics VO (Drmota)
- Discrete Mathematics VO (Rubey)
- Formale Methoden der Informatik UE (Lackner)
- Forschungsmethoden VU (Grechenig)
- Frontiers of Algorithms and Complexity VU (Ganian)
- Funktionalanalysis 1 UE UE (Blümlinger)
- Funktionalanalysis 1 UE UE (Kaltenbäck)
- Graph Drawing Algorithms VU (Nöllenburg)
- Introduction to Type Theories VU (Kovacs)
- Introduction to the Coq proof assistant VU (Ciabattoni)
- Knowledge Management UE (Dorn)
- Knowledge Management VO (Dorn)
- Kommunikation und Moderation VU (Pohl)
- Kommunikationstechnik SE (Dustdar)
- Mathematical Programming VU (Brandstätter)
- Mathematical Programming VU (Ruthmair)
- Membrane Computing VU (Freund)
- Model Engineering VU (Kappel)
- Molecular Computing VU (Freund)
- Practical Applications of Answer Set Programming VU (Weinzierl)
- Privatissimum aus Fachdidaktik Informatik PV (Freund)
- Privatissimum aus Fachdidaktik Informatik SE (Freund)
- Project in Computer Science 1 - Machine Learning Algorithms and Applications PR (Gärtner)
- Project in Computer Science 1 - Machine Learning Algorithms and Applications PR (Thiessen)
- Proof Systems in Modal Logic VU (Tompits)
- Requirements Engineering and Specification VU (Stallinger)
- Semantic Web Technologies VU (Ortiz de la Fuente)
- Seminar Formale Methoden SE (Cerny)
- Seminar Formale Methoden SE (Zuleger)
- Seminar aus Algorithmik SE (Slivovsky)
- Seminar aus Artificial Intelligence SE (Eiter)
- Seminar aus Artificial Intelligence SE (Pichler)
- Seminar aus Logik SE (Eiter)
- Seminar aus Logik SE (Hecher)
- Seminar aus Logik SE (Lolic)
- Seminar aus Theoretischer Informatik SE (Eiter)
- Seminar für Diplomand innen für Logic and Computation SE (Kovacs)
- Seminar für Diplomand innen für Logic and Computation SE (Raidl)
- Seminar in Artificial Intelligence SE (Cito)
- Seminar in Artificial Intelligence SE (Fermüller)
- Seminar in Artificial Intelligence SE (Rauber)
- Seminar in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning SE (Eiter)
- Seminar in Theoretical Computer Science SE (Fichte)
- Seminar in Theoretical Computer Science SE (Freund)
- Software Model Checking VU (Weissenbacher)
- Software Testing VU (Artner)
- Software Testing VU (Bernhart)
- Software Testing VU (Ramler)
- Structural Decompositions and Algorithms VU (Slivovsky)
- Termersetzungssysteme VU (Moser)
- Theorie der Berechenbarkeit VU (Fokina)
- Wissenschaftliche Methodik SE (Ertl)