TU Wien: Masterstudium Technische Informatik
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Obligation: Pflichtfach
Advanced Multiprocessor Programming
Computer-Aided Verification
Discrete Mathematics
- Discrete Mathematics UE (Bentrifa)
- Discrete Mathematics UE (Stufler)
- Discrete Mathematics UE (diverse)
- Discrete Mathematics VO (Gittenberger)
- Discrete Mathematics VO (Stufler)
Formal Methods in Computer Science
Information Technology in Automation
Stochastic Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems
_no module mapping_
Obligation: Gebundenes Wahlfach
Advanced Design and Synthesis of Digital Systems
Algorithms and Programming
- Algorithmics VU (Szeider)
- Analyse von Algorithmen UE (Drmota)
- Analyse von Algorithmen UE (Panholzer)
- Analyse von Algorithmen VO (Drmota)
- Analyse von Algorithmen VO (Panholzer)
- Codegeneratoren VO (Krall)
- Fixed-Parameter Algorithms and Complexity VU (Ganian)
- GPU Architectures and Computing VU (Bartocci)
- Heuristic Optimization Techniques VU (Raidl)
- Optimierende Übersetzer VU (Knoop)
- Parallele und Echtzeitprogrammierung VU (Blieberger)
- Semantik von Programmiersprachen VU (Zuleger)
- Structural Decompositions and Algorithms VU (Peitl)
- Communication Networks 1 VO (Zseby)
- Communication Networks 2 VU (Fabini)
- Home and Building Automation VU (Steindl)
- Industrielle Automation VU (Gsellmann)
- Industrielle Automation VU (Hofbauer)
- Internet of Things VU (Bartocci)
- Labor Mechatronische Systeme LU (Schitter)
- Machine Vision VU (Vincze)
- Mechatronische Systeme VU (Schitter)
- Mobile Robotik VU (Bader)
- Network Security - Advanced Topics VU (Zseby)
- Network Security VU (Zseby)
- Sensoren und optoelektronische Bauelemente VO (Reider)
- Wireless in Automation VU (Kastner)
Computer-Aided Verification
- Computer-Aided Verification UE (Cerny)
- Formal Methods for Security and Privacy VU (Maffei)
- Programmanalyse VU (Zuleger)
- SAT Solving und Erweiterungen VU (Egly)
Cyber-Physical Systems
- Autonomous Racing Cars VU (Brandstätter)
- Fortgeschrittene Methoden der Modellbildung VU (Steinböck)
- Fortgeschrittene Methoden der nichtlinearen Regelung VU (Kugi)
- Internet of Things VU (Bartocci)
- Machine Vision VU (Vincze)
- Mobile Robotik VU (Bader)
- Nichtlineare dynamische Systeme und Regelung LU (Ecker)
- Nichtlineare dynamische Systeme und Regelung VO (Deutschmann-Olek)
- Optimierung VU (Steinböck)
- Real-Time Scheduling VU (Schmid)
- Regelung verteilt-parametrischer Systeme VU (Meurer)
- Regelungssysteme LU (Ecker)
- Regelungssysteme VO (Kemmetmüller)
Dependable Distributed Systems
- Communication Networks 1 VO (Zseby)
- Communication Networks 2 VU (Fabini)
- Formal Methods for Security and Privacy VU (Maffei)
- High Performance Computing Hochleistungsrechnen VU (Träff)
- Network Security VU (Zseby)
- Parallele Algorithmen VU (Hunold)
- Parallele und Echtzeitprogrammierung VU (Blieberger)
- Problems in Distributed Computing VU (Schmid)
Digital Circuits and Systems
- Advanced Digital Design LU (Huemer)
- Advanced Digital Design LU (Steininger)
- Embedded Systems in FPGAs VU (Jantsch)
- HW SW Codesign LU (Huemer)
- HW SW Codesign LU (Steininger)
- HW SW Codesign VU (Steininger)
- Halbleiterphysik VU (Andrews)
- Halbleiterphysik VU (Pogany)
- Industrial Hardware Verification VU (Steininger)
- Labor SoC Design UE (Jantsch)
- SoC Architektur und Design VU (Jantsch)
- SoC Design Seminar SE (Jantsch)
- SoC Vertiefung PR (Jantsch)
- Vertiefung FPGA-Design VU (El-Araby)
Digital Signal Processing and Communication
- Digital Communications 1 VU (Hlawatsch)
- Digital Communications 2 VU (Hlawatsch)
- Lab Wireless Communications LU (Langwieser)
- Quellencodierung Source Coding VO (Görtz)
- Wireless Communications 1 VU (Mecklenbräuker)
- Wireless Communications 2 VO (Görtz)
- Wireless Communications 2 VO (Mecklenbräuker)
Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science
- Angewandtes Operations Research UE (Tragler)
- Angewandtes Operations Research VO (Tragler)
- Diskrete Methoden UE (Gittenberger)
- Diskrete Methoden VO (Gittenberger)
- Funktionalanalysis 1 UE UE (Woracek)
- Komplexe Analysis UE (Blümlinger)
- Komplexe Analysis VO (Blümlinger)
- Komplexitätstheorie VU (Pichler)
- Theorie stochastischer Prozesse UE (Bisi)
- Theorie stochastischer Prozesse VO (Bisi)
Signal Processing
- Computer Vision VU (Sablatnig)
- Generative AI VU (Neidhardt)
- Knowledge-based Systems VU (Egly)
- Model Engineering VU (Bork)
- Projektarbeit in Technischer Informatik PR (Bartocci)
- Projektarbeit in Technischer Informatik PR (Krall)
- Scientific Project in Technischer Informatik PR (Krall)
- Scientific Project in Technischer Informatik PR (Steininger)
- Seminar in Technischer Informatik SE (Grosu)
- Seminar in Technischer Informatik SE (Kastner)
- Seminar in Technischer Informatik SE (Steininger)
- Virtual and Augmented Reality UE (Kaufmann)
- Virtual and Augmented Reality VO (Kaufmann)
Verteilte Algorithmen
Obligation: Keine Angabe
Advanced Design and Synthesis of Digital Systems
Algorithms and Programming
Dependable Distributed Systems
Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science
_no module mapping_
- Advanced Computer Architecture VU (Schöberl)
- Advanced Cryptography VU (Fuchsbauer)
- Analyse von Algorithmen UE (Nessmann)
- Automated Deduction VU (Kovacs)
- Automatisierungs- und Steuerungssysteme VO (Schitter)
- Autonomous Racing Cars VU (Grosu)
- Computer Aided Verification VU (Weissenbacher)
- Computer-Aided Verification UE (Weissenbacher)
- Didaktik in der Informatik Abenteuer Informatik SE (Futschek)
- Diplomarbeit SE (diverse)
- Discrete Mathematics VO (Drmota)
- Discrete Mathematics VO (Rubey)
- Formale Methoden der Informatik UE (Lackner)
- Forschungsmethoden VU (Grechenig)
- Fortgeschrittene Methoden der Modellbildung VU (Kemmetmüller)
- Funktionalanalysis 1 UE UE (Blümlinger)
- Funktionalanalysis 1 UE UE (Kaltenbäck)
- HW/SW Codesign LU (Steininger)
- HW/SW Codesign VU (Steininger)
- Halbleiterphysik VU (Strasser)
- Home and Building Automation VU (Kastner)
- Kommunikation und Moderation VU (Pohl)
- Kommunikationstechnik SE (Dustdar)
- Labor Automatisierungs- und Steuerungssysteme LU (Gsellmann)
- Labor Regelungssysteme 1 LU (Reyhani Masouleh)
- Labor Regelungssysteme 2 LU (Reyhani Masouleh)
- Machine Vision and Cognitive Robotics VU (Vincze)
- Model Engineering VU (Kappel)
- Modeling and Simulation VU (Popper)
- Privatissimum aus Fachdidaktik Informatik PV (Freund)
- Privatissimum aus Fachdidaktik Informatik SE (Freund)
- Quellencodierung (Source Coding) VO (Görtz)
- Regelungssysteme 1 VO (Kemmetmüller)
- Regelungssysteme 2 VO (Kugi)
- Robuste und verlässliche Kommunikationssysteme VU (Goiser)
- Seminar für Diplomand innen für Technische Informatik SE (Träff)
- SoC Design Seminar SE (Rehman)
- SoC Design Seminar SE (Taherinejad)
- Software Model Checking VU (Weissenbacher)
- Structural Decompositions and Algorithms VU (Slivovsky)
- Topologie UE (Woracek)
- Topologie VO (Woracek)
- Wissenschaftliche Methodik SE (Ertl)