TU Wien: Masterstudium Technische Informatik

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↑ TU Wien/Informatik

Links Ehemalige LVAs, Studienplan, TISS
  • 10 Pflichtfach-LVAs
  • 86 Gebundenes Wahlfach-LVAs
  • 55 Keine Angabe-LVAs

Obligation: Pflichtfach

Obligation: Gebundenes Wahlfach

Advanced Digital Design and Computer Architecture

Algorithms and Programming


Computer-Aided Verification

Cyber-Physical Systems

Dependable Distributed Systems

Digital Circuits and Systems

Digital Signal Processing and Communication

Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science

Signal Processing


Verteilte Algorithmen

Obligation: Keine Angabe

Algorithms and Programming


Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science

_no module mapping_