TU Wien: Masterstudium Business Informatics
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Obligation: Pflichtfach
DA/FD - Data Analytics Foundation
EE/FD - Enterprise Engineering Foundation
EM/FD - Economic Modeling Foundation
ISE/COR - Information Systems Engineering Core
ISE/FD - Information Systems Engineering Foundation
MS/FD - Management Science Foundation
RM/FD - Research Methods
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Obligation: Gebundenes Wahlfach
DA/COR - Data Analytics Core
- Datenorientierte Programmierparadigmen VU (Hanbury)
- Informationsvisualisierung VO (Aigner)
- Informationsvisualisierung VO (Matkovic)
- Multivariate Statistik UE (Filzmoser)
- Multivariate Statistik VO (Filzmoser)
DA/EXT - Data Analytics Extension
- Advanced Information Retrieval VU (Rauber)
- Algorithmic Social Choice VU (Chen)
- Algorithmics VU (Szeider)
- Computerstatistik VU (Vana Gür)
- Data Acquisition and Survey Methods VU (Posekany)
- Data Stewardship UE (Rauber)
- Data Stewardship VO (Rauber)
- Datenbanktheorie VU (Lanzinger)
- Deep Learning for Visual Computing VU (Hermosilla Casajus)
- Experiment Design for Data Science VU (Rauber)
- Informationsvisualisierung UE (Miksch)
- Informationsvisualisierung UE (Waldner)
- Intelligent Audio and Music Analysis VU (Knees)
- Knowledge-based Systems VU (Egly)
- Machine Learning VU (Musliu)
- Mathematical Programming VU (Raidl)
- Model-based Decision Support VU (Haunschmied)
- Nichtlineare Optimierung UE (Tragler)
- Nichtlineare Optimierung VO (Tragler)
- Problem Solving and Search in Artificial Intelligence VU (Musliu)
- Sicherheit Privacy und Erklärbarkeit in Maschinellem Lernen VU (Rauber)
- Verarbeitung deklarativen Wissens VO (Eiter)
- Visual Data Science VU (Schmidt)
- Visualisierung 2 VU (Waldner)
EE/COR - Enterprise Engineering Core
- E-Commerce VU (Hanbury)
- Innovation VU (Hanbury)
- Recommender Systems VU (Neidhardt)
- Social Network Analysis VU (Neidhardt)
EE/EXT - Enterprise Engineering Extension
- Advanced Aspects of IT Infrastructures for Health Care VO (Baranyi)
- Advanced Aspects of IT-Law VU (Haslinger)
- Beyond the Desktop VU (Wolling)
- Digital Humanism VU (Knees)
- E-Marketing PR (Merkl)
- E-Marketing VO (Merkl)
- IT Governance VU (Malinova Mandelburger)
- Informationssuche im Internet VU (Merkl)
- Management von Software Projekten VU (Fenz)
- Optimization in Transport and Logistics VU (Raidl)
- Selbstorganisierende Systeme VU (Rauber)
- Semantic Technologies VU (Ortiz de la Fuente)
- Semi-Automatic Information and Knowledge Systems VU (Sabou)
- Social Media VU (Merkl)
- Sustainability in Computer Science VU (Kappel)
- Web Application Engineering & Content Management VU (Schranz)
EM/COR - Economic Modeling Core
- AKVWL Computational Economics VU (Siassi)
- International Trade Theory and Policy VO (Stehrer)
- Model-based Decision Support VU (Haunschmied)
- Modeling and Simulation VU (Bicher)
EM/EXT - Economic Modeling Extension
- AKOR Graphentheoretische Methoden des Operations Research UE (Haunschmied)
- AKOR Graphentheoretische Methoden des Operations Research VO (Haunschmied)
- AKVWL Environmental and Population Economics SE (Fürnkranz-Prskawetz)
- Advanced Modeling and Simulation VU (Bicher)
- Dynamische Makroökonomie UE (Gasteiger)
- Dynamische Makroökonomie VO (Gasteiger)
- Spieltheoretische Modellierung UE (Haunschmied)
- Spieltheoretische Modellierung VO (Haunschmied)
ISE/COR - Information Systems Engineering Core
ISE/EXT - Information Systems Engineering Extension
- Advanced Model Engineering SE (Bork)
- Advanced Model Engineering VU (Bork)
- Advanced Software Engineering PR (Biffl)
- Advanced Software Engineering PR (Grechenig)
- Advanced Software Engineering PR (Tappeiner)
- Algorithmics VU (Szeider)
- Description Logics and Ontologies VU (Ortiz de la Fuente)
- Distributed Systems Technologies VU (Morichetta)
- Graph Drawing Algorithms VU (Nöllenburg)
- Knowledge Graphs VU (Sallinger)
- Network Engineering UE (Siegl)
- Network Engineering VO (Siegl)
- Serverless Computing VU (Nastic)
- Smart Contracts VU (di Angelo)
- Software Testing VU (Winkler)
- Structural Decompositions and Algorithms VU (Peitl)
- Systems and Applications Security VU (Lindorfer)
MS/COR - Management Science Core
- Assistenzsysteme in der Produktion 1 VU (Schlund)
- Managing People and Organizations VU (Köszegi)
- Production Information Management Systems VU (Karbasi)
- Project and Enterprise Financing VU (Aussenegg)
MS/EXT - Management Science Extension
- Advanced Financial Planning and Control VU (Dangl)
- Assistance Systems in Manufacturing 2 VU (Schlund)
- Enterprise Risk Management Fundamentals VU (Schwaiger)
- Industrial Data Science UE (Ansari Chaharsoughi)
- Knowledge Management 4.0 VO (Ansari Chaharsoughi)
- Organization Theory VU (Köszegi)
- Risk Management SE (Aussenegg)
- Risk Model Management VU (Lederer)
- Risk-based Performance Management VU (Schwaiger)
- Seminararbeit Smart Production Systems SE (Ansari Chaharsoughi)
- Strategic Management VU (Filzmoser)
- Technologie Arbeit und Organisation VU (Filzmoser)
Obligation: Keine Angabe
DA/EXT - Data Analytics Extension
- Algorithmic Geometry VU (Nöllenburg)
- Applied Deep Learning VU (Eidenberger)
- Generative AI VU (Heitzinger)
- Machine Learning for Visual Computing VU (Reiter)
- Probabilistic Programming and AI VU (Böck)
- Similarity Modeling 1 - Computational Seeing and Hearing VU (Eidenberger)
- Similarity Modeling 2 - Computational Seeing and Hearing VU (Eidenberger)
English TSK
- Collaboration and Co-Creation VU (Jerlich)
- Creativity Engineering VO (Jerlich)
- E&I Garage - Business Model Development VU (Vasilescu)
- European Union - Institutions Policies and Future Challenges VO (Grasserbauer)
- Science and the quest for knowledge SE (Pont)
- Searching prior art based on patent applications VU (Hofmann)
- Technical English Communication VU (Crowder)
- Technical English Presentation VU (Crowder)
ISE/EXT - Information Systems Engineering Extension
Katalog Transferable Skills
- Coaching als Führungsinstrument 1 SE (Fischer)
- Didaktik in der Informatik Abenteuer Informatik SE (Landman)
- Didaktik in der Informatik SE (Weissenböck)
- EDV-Vertragsrecht VO (Vinzenz)
- Kommunikation und Rhetorik 2 SE (Pichlmair)
- Kommunikation und Rhetorik SE (Pichlmair)
- Kommunikationstechnik SE (Lobnig)
- Präsentation und Moderation VU (Freund)
- Präsentations- und Verhandlungstechnik VU (Lendl)
- Rhetorik Körpersprache und Argumentationstraining VU (Lendl)
- Zwischen Karriere und Barriere VO (Birbaumer)
MS/EXT - Management Science Extension
- Financial Management SE (Aussenegg)
- Innovation Theory VU (Filzmoser)
- International Negotiations VU (Vasilescu)
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- AKOR Graphentheoret.Methoden d OR UE (Haunschmied)
- AKOR Graphentheoret.Methoden d OR VO (Haunschmied)
- AKVWL Die Europäische Währungsunion Erwartungen Performanz und Reformbedarf VO (Handler)
- AKVWL Dynamic Macroeconomic Modelling VU (Kerndler)
- AKVWL Environmental and Population Economics VO (Fürnkranz-Prskawetz)
- AKVWL Inequality in Macroeconomics VU (Siassi)
- Advanced Aspects of Hospital Information Systems VO (Grechenig)
- Advanced Aspects of IT Infrastructures for Health Care VO (Tappeiner)
- Advanced Cryptography VU (Fuchsbauer)
- Advanced Modeling and Simulation VU (Popper)
- Advanced Project Management VU (Grechenig)
- Advanced Project Management VU (Tappeiner)
- Advanced Security for Systems Engineering VU (Fankhauser)
- Advanced Security for Systems Engineering VU (Mairhofer)
- Agent Based Computational Economics SE (Fürnkranz-Prskawetz)
- Agent Based Computational Economics SE (Rengs)
- Computerstatistik VU (Filzmoser)
- Computerstatistik VU (Nordhausen)
- Creativity Engineering VO (Ostad)
- Deep Learning for Visual Computing VU (Kampel)
- Design of Information Systems for Production Management UE (Nixdorf)
- Design of Information Systems for Production Management VO (Nixdorf)
- Didaktik in der Informatik Abenteuer Informatik SE (Futschek)
- Diplomarbeit SE (diverse)
- Distributed Systems Technologies VU (Rausch)
- E I Garage - Business Model Development VU (Filzmoser)
- E&I Garage - Business Model Development VU (Filzmoser)
- Einführung in Semantic Systems VU (Ekaputra)
- Einführung in Semantic Systems VU (Sabou)
- Einführung in Semantic Systems VU (Tjoa)
- Einführung in die Optimierung VU (Tragler)
- End User Programming VU (Gärtner)
- Enterprise Architecture VU (Huemer)
- Enterprise Architecture VU (Proper)
- Experiment Design for Data Science VU (Knees)
- Forschungsmethoden VU (Grechenig)
- IT Security in Large IT Infrastructures VU (Brem)
- IT Security in Large IT Infrastructures VU (Fankhauser)
- IT Security in Large IT Infrastructures VU (Schanes)
- IT-based Management VU (Schwaiger)
- Industrial Data Science UE (Kohl)
- Information Economics VO (Hanappi)
- International Trade Theory and Policy 1 VO (Stehrer)
- Internet of Things for Smart Systems VU (Schulte)
- Knowledge Integration in Cyber Physical Production Systems UE (Ansari Chaharsoughi)
- Knowledge Management UE (Dorn)
- Knowledge Management VO (Dorn)
- Knowledge Management in Cyber Physical Production Systems VO (Ansari Chaharsoughi)
- Kommunikation und Moderation VU (Pohl)
- Kommunikationstechnik SE (Dustdar)
- Mathematical Programming VU (Brandstätter)
- Mathematical Programming VU (Ruthmair)
- Model Engineering VU (Kappel)
- Modeling and Simulation VU (Popper)
- Pervasive and Mobile Computing VO (Siegl)
- Political Economy of Europe VO (Hanappi)
- Privatissimum aus Fachdidaktik Informatik PV (Freund)
- Privatissimum aus Fachdidaktik Informatik SE (Freund)
- Recommender Systems VU (Sacharidis)
- Science and the quest for knowledge SE (Mahdavi)
- Semantic Web Technologies VU (Ortiz de la Fuente)
- Service Design Management and Composition VU (Dorn)
- Software Quality Management VU (Grechenig)
- Software Testing VU (Artner)
- Software Testing VU (Bernhart)
- Software Testing VU (Ramler)
- Structural Decompositions and Algorithms VU (Slivovsky)
- Visualisierung 2 VU (Gröller)
- Web Application Engineering & Content Management VU (Dustdar)
- Wissenschaftliche Methodik SE (Ertl)
- Workflow Modeling and Process Management VU (Dorn)
- Workflow Modeling and Process Management VU (Huemer)